
Cine, cine, cine. Más cine por favor.

  • Sabbatical 79/93

    Sabbatical 79/93

    Julia me pidió que la despertase pronto y poder repasar la geografía de Oceanía para el examen que tenía hoy. Luego, a media mañana, he llevado a Xelo y a su madre a Moixent a por el tren a Valencia. Después, estuve tocando un poco el violín y subí el video a Twitter. Al sacarlo…

  • Savageland (2015)

    Savageland (2015)

    I’m a little bit infactuated a 2015 mockumentary I found about recently: Savageland. Savageland is a 2015 American mockumentary horror film written and directed by Phil Guidry, Simon Herbert, and David Whelan, concerning a massacre on a US-Mexico border town that leaves every citizen dead except for an amateur photographer who is accused of committing…

  • Sabbatical 63/93

    Sabbatical 63/93

    Domingo tranquilo. Por la mañana fui con Clara al mercado y Xelo estuvo haciendo lavadoras. Comimos en casa de la iaia y por la tarde vimos Le Dîner de cons (La cena de los idiotas). Antes de cenar, las niñas pusieron el árbol de Navidad.

  • Sabbatical 49/93

    Sabbatical 49/93

    Por la mañana fuimos al Japan Weekend en la Feria de Valencia. Julia se lo pasó muy bien y Clara también. Por la tarde nos regalaron unas calabazas en agradecimiento a nuestro soporte técnico. Estoy pensando hacer galletitas de calabaza con ellas. Es mi postre favorito cuando vamos al Chino Misterioso en Bilbao. También comimos…

  • Sabbatical 46/93

    Sabbatical 46/93

    Ayer me levanté con un poco de dolor de cabeza. Estuve un ratito pegándome con la importación de imágenes de la migración de datos de la web del ayuntamiento. Casi está listo pero le falta un par de detalles (concretamente asignar las imágenes destacadas). Con el dolor que tenía no conseguí avanzar gran cosa y…

  • Sabbatical 42/93

    Sabbatical 42/93

    Quiet Sunday. We spent the morning doing chores in the house. After lunch, we watched Billy Wilder’s Sabrina (1954). Julia was a bit reluctant to watch it but she did watch it through. There were a few themes that felt old in the film, not the least of which the fact that Bogart is 52…

  • Sabbatical 27/93

    Sabbatical 27/93

    The four of us drove to Valencia in the early morning so Julia could attend her AVAST classes. Later, we had pizza at Arena and bought some clothes for the girls. In the evening, we watched Edward Edward Scissorhands withe the girls. Julia already knew Winona Ryder from Stranger Things 🙂

  • Sabbatical 10/93

    Sabbatical 10/93

    It was a remarkably unproductive day. While trying to make PC games work on Julia’s 2010 iMac, I landed a «Browser Games» website and ended up spending two solid hours playing to the 1995 Warcraft II … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In the afternoon, I drove Julia to her French class, bought groceries and got a few things…

  • Sabbatical 9/93

    Sabbatical 9/93

    I took a short walk to el Arguillagar and back. We rewatched Woody Allen’s Mighty Aphrodite. It was watchable but it hasn’t aged great. I found hard to maintain my suspension of disbelief and I feel bad for Helena Bonham Carter, she got a raw deal with that role. I cooked lentils with vegetables and…

  • L’Économie du couple, 2016

    L’Économie du couple, 2016

    After 15 years of marriage, a couple with two kids is about to divorce. Until the husband find a new place to live, they have to cohabit, and figure out how to share their belongings. IMDB Released as «Después de nosotros» in Spanish and «After Love» in English (not to be confused with the 2020…

  • A Late Quartet (2012): Pau Casals on Giving Feedback

    A Late Quartet (2012): Pau Casals on Giving Feedback

    [When giving feedback] always emphasize what you like. And for the rest leave it to the ignorant and stupid who judge by counting only the faults. Paul Casals. I was browsing looking for films featuring Philip Seymour Hoffman and ended up watching A Late Quartet. In it, Peter (Walken) relates to his class an anecdote…

  • Strasser/Blaine VS Greedo/Solo

    Strasser/Blaine VS Greedo/Solo

    According to Francesca Luisi from «The Pictures Got Small», the scene where Mayor Strasser gets shot by Rick Blaine was shot twice. Just before he shot Maj. Strasser (Conrad Veidt), Humphrey Bogart ad-libbed the line, «All right, Major, you asked for it.» But Hal B. Wallis pointed out that this made it look as though…

  • Groundhog Day: The Time Loop is NOT in Phil’s head!

    Groundhog Day: The Time Loop is NOT in Phil’s head!

    I was rewatching Groundhog day and noticed that at the end of the multiple suicides montage, there is a moment when we see Phil dead. This is this key because it shows that the temporal loop is not just a figment of Phil’s imagination and that the world continues to exist after he dies.

  • My Favorite podcasts: 2021 Edition

    My Favorite podcasts: 2021 Edition

    We recently released a really nice Podcast Feed Block here at, and it is the perfect excuse for a quick round-up of my favorite podcasts. Aprovechando que tiene ahora un bloque de feed de podcast, he decidido hacer un listadito de los podcasts que suelo escuchar. History Libros & Cine Science News &…

  • Amerikanuak


    I do not live in Nevada, but I get a bit homesick sometimes.

  • «Recuérdame» y cómo prender los dedos para hacer el acorde de Sol sostenido mayor al piano

    «Recuérdame» y cómo prender los dedos para hacer el acorde de Sol sostenido mayor al piano

    Estaba ahora peleándome con la posición de los dedos para tocar algunos acordes puñeteros con sol# mayor y me he dado cuenta de que el truqui está en tocar el do que sería la nota del medio y qué es la única blanca del acordé no abajo si no en la parte de arriba de…

  • «Play La Marseillaise» scene, Casablanca (HD)

    «Play La Marseillaise» scene, Casablanca (HD)

    Rick (Humphrey Bogart) and Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) are upstairs in Rick’s office, with Laszlo offering to buy the letters of transit. Rick refuses, and in reply to Laszlo’s question as to why, Rick tells him to ask his wife. They then hear German officers singing Die Wacht am Rhein in the main room below. Rick and…

  • Four Weddings and a Funeral: Deaf, lost, low-profile & unrequited love stories

    Four Weddings and a Funeral: Deaf, lost, low-profile & unrequited love stories

    There are a number of moving love stories and interpretations on this film but none them come from the main story, which works just as a topical and mildly amusing backdrop for the actual central stories.

  • One second of every Northern Exposure Episode

    110 clips from every Northern Exposure Episode in Chronological order. Clips may range from 1-3 seconds depending on the context in order to not limit sentences to 1-2 words or include scene changes. For more awesome Northern Exposure stuff, Like and subscribe and also check out the other social media pages, join the facebook group…

  • The Imitation Game, Turing Machines & Enigma

    The Imitation Game, Turing Machines & Enigma

    I decided to watch it out of my interest towards the History of Computing in general and Allan Turing‘s life in particular. I was also curious about Benedict Cumberbatch‘s portrayal of Turing.

  • Handia (2017)

    Handia (2017)

    Giant (Original title: Handia) is a 2017 Basque language drama film directed by Aitor Arregi and Jon Garaño.[3] The film is based on the life of Miguel Joaquín Eleizegui Arteaga (1818-1861) who suffered from gigantism and was known as the «Giant from Altzo«.  Wikipedia

  • Ralph Breaks the Internet

    Ralph Breaks the Internet

    Maybe he Ralph doesn’t need to. Maybe the Internet is already broken.

  • Anomalisa, 2015

    Anomalisa, 2015

    Anomalisa is a 2015 American stop-motion animated comedy-drama film directed and produced by Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson. Kaufman adapted the screenplay from his 2005 audio play Anomalisa, written under the pseudonym Francis Fregoli. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature (the category’s first ever R-rated nominee), a Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, and five Annie Awards. It became the first animated film…

  • Zarabanda de Igmar Bergman

    Zarabanda de Igmar Bergman

    Anoche pudimos asistir a la adaptación teatral de Sarabande, la última película de Igmar Bergman, estrenada 2003 y de la que nunca se había hecho un montaje teatral. La Compañía Amortal es quien está detrás de este montaje, con dirección de Mercedes Castro, con Francisco Olmo, Raquel Espada, Javier Pérez-Acebrón y la propia Mercedes en…

  • The other side of hope: ¿Comedia finlandesa?

    The other side of hope: ¿Comedia finlandesa?

    Hace tiempo que no teníamos tiempo para sentarnos a ver una película random en Filmin, pero hoy ha sido el día. En este tipo de casos prefiero no saber mucho sobre la película, de hecho procuramos no ver el trailer siquiera. Todo lo que sabíamos de ella era que era de Kaurismaki y que estaba en…

  • 20 things to do in Google Earth

    Seach location Hide or display names and labels. Hide the sidepanel Zoom in and out Sift camera angle Mountains! 3D Models of Buildings, including: Camera position and angle fine tuning (shift drag VS ctrl drag) Light! Underwater terrain La Palma, Fogo, Islas Aukland, Fiordos, Sitka, el Himalaya, Siberia. Fly Overlays! KML & KMZ Paleogeográfico, densidad…

  • Edgar Neville – La toma de Bilbao y una Película de Agustín González con Pelo (“Mi Calle”, 1960) Y sale y todo. Hay algunos planos brutales de la toma de Madrid en Marzo 1939

  • “Patrimonio Nacional” – Lavapies

    La noche que murió Jose Luis López Vázquez echaron «Patrimonio Nacional». Al día siguiente pasé por allí. de Berlanga Jose Luis Lopez Vázquez Bodegas Alfaro Calle Ave María Lavapies

  • Almodovar para la nutricionista

    El año pasado me toco Ana de amiga invisible y, como es nutricionista y le gusta mucho Almodóvar le hice estos cartelitos: